West Street Recovery


Durable Medical Equipment & Assistive Technology Replacement 

Resources for replacement and repair of medical equipment lost or damaged due to Harvey, including wheelchairs, walkers, canes, communication devices, and other needs are listed on the Houston Recovers website.


Rides for seniors are available from Metro.  Please fill out this form.

Who is eligible?

  1. Persons with disabilities who are unable, without the assistance of another person, to board, navigate, ride or disembark from an accessible local bus.
  2. Persons with disabilities who can use an accessible vehicle but want to travel on a bus or rail route that is inaccessible.
  3. Persons with disabilities who are prevented from getting to and from the local bus due to their disability. Eligibility is based on a functional limitation preventing the patron from walking or rolling to a bus stop without assistance from others.


Legacy Clinic offers care on a sliding scale and has locations around town.  Below is a map of Legacy Centers in the Houston area.

Legacy Centers


Healthy Habits

Tips for staying healthy during Harvey recovery, including info for entering flooded homes.

Tips for entering a flooded home from the American Thoracic Society.
