Home Cleanout
If your home or business needs clean out or repair/rebuild work due to Hurricane Harvey, we recommend submitting your info to the following organizations. For help getting your address on the lists, or for further home cleanup help from West Street, please contact us at connect@www.weststreetrecovery.org.
Recovery Houston
Recovery Houston is a grass roots volunteer organization doing home clean out and demolition work in the Houston area. To add your home to their list, text 936-931-8098, and post to the Recovery Houston Facebook page.
Crisis Cleanup
The Crisis Cleanup hotline closed for Hurricane Harvey October 15th, however cases can still be logged and claimed by registered organizations. Contact us at connect@www.weststreetrecovery.org for help getting your address on the list.
Home Repair
Living Paradigm CDC
Living Paradigm CDC is a not-for-profit group with a mission to empower people to participate in homeownership and healthy lifestyles through the creation of homes that are environmentally responsible, locally sourced and built, and contribute to the culture, spirit, and individuality of the Community. Living Paradigm is matching individuals and families affected by Harvey with needed rebuilding materials. Materials for confirmed matches are available for pick up at Reuse Warehouse Houston. Requests for materials can be submitted via this form.
Rebuilding Together. Houston
Rebuilding Together restores hope and revitalizes neighborhoods by repairing homes for low-income elderly homeowners. Visit their website to apply for homeowner assistance.