West Street Recovery


West Street Recovery was formed during Hurricane Harvey by a group of people who came together to perform rescues, distribute food and water, and meet the needs of flood survivors. Since then, WSR has grown into a horizontally– structured and worker–directed disaster recovery nonprofıt, which uses Hurricane Harvey home repair and community engagement to build more broadly towards social justice and an equitable recovery.

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What We Do


Construcción de poder comunitario y cuidado colectivo a través de las bases, la promoción, la capacitación y la ayuda mutua.


Reparar las casas dañadas por las inundaciones para que vuelvan a estar en condiciones habitables, desde limpiar los materiales húmedos hasta reparar los techos y reemplazar la placa de yeso.


Centrar las perspectivas de los vecindarios marginados y los sobrevivientes de desastres en las inundaciones y la recuperación de desastres.


Preparar a las comunidades para futuros desastres climáticos, dando prioridad a las poblaciones vulnerables en los planes de resiliencia y respuesta.

Houston freeze response: pipe wraps and patches – January 2023 January 24, 2023 …hub captains played a central role in preparedness and response this year. All seven captains were active in checking in on neighbors, …

2023 In Review – January 2023 February 11, 2022 …we are learning more and more about how mutual aid, material intervention, political education and community organizing combine to build power that strengthens communities, leads to …
